Depression Therapist

Tips for Finding the Right Depression Therapist

Going through difficult times like losing your job, getting a divorce, getting terminally ill, or losing a loved one can lead to extreme sadness and depression. While experiencing these feelings in a short period of time is common, prolonged agony can wreak havoc and cause a more severe impact on your emotional well-being. They can affect the way you interact with people, at work, and even your simple daily activities. That’s why working with a depression therapist is a must!


Depression is a serious mental illness that when left unattended can lead to more serious problems. That is why it is important to seek medical and professional help from licensed depression therapists. Working with the experts can help you manage your behavior, understand the situation, and cope up with what you are going through.


The first step in overcoming depression is finding the right therapist to help you. Getting professional help in a timely manner can be a big help. Mental Health America reported that more than 80% of those who are suffering depression and sought medical help had improved.


How to Look for the Right Depression Therapist?


There are many depression therapists who can help you overcome your condition. While there are many options, it is important you seek the right person who can help you go through the journey toward better mental health. The bond you will form with your therapist can also help you overcome the situation.


Here are some tips for finding the right therapist to work with you.


1. Ask Your Family Doctor or Your Insurance Provider


You can probably check and search for depression therapists on Google, but the list may just be vague to you. The best person to ask for a depression therapist recommendation could be your family doctor or your regular doctor.


You can also ask your insurance provider for experts within their network. Since you will also be using your insurance at some point, it is best if the recommendation comes from them, so you won’t have any problems when filing for claims.


2. Check Their Credentials


Do not just take their word for it. Anybody can claim they are experts in their field, or they are licensed professionals. Do your homework. Research on their credentials, certifications, and licenses to confirm expertise.


It is also best to dig deeper via testimonials or complaints filed against them. You can find such information via the regulatory boards.


3. Types of Approach


Not all depression therapists use the same approach when treating or dealing with depression. Before you settle on comfort and compatibility with a depression therapist, you need to check first the type of approach they use. Some therapists use practical strategies while there are those who use psychotherapy such as interpersonal psychotherapy or CBT, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy. There are those that conduct deeper probing such as asking more about your past life, which they claim as something that may have a connection or plays a role in your condition.


With your initial meeting with a depression therapist, you can detect and assess if the therapist can give you the treatment you need.


4. Trust Your Gut Feelings


As they always say, if it is too good to be true then it could mean something else. If you feel something is off, then trust your gut to help you decide whether you should go with that therapist or not.


Credentials are not everything. Some depression therapists may look good on paper but if you do not trust that person or if you are not comfortable, then they probably are not good.


Overall, choosing the right depression therapist can be a challenging task especially if you really do not know who you are looking for. It’s the kind of connection or bond you develop when seeking professional help from your therapist. But everything is all up to you. Considering comfort and credibility can be your major decisive factors to help you choose the right person to do the job.


Final Thoughts


Finding the right depression therapist is a crucial step in depression therapy success. Contact Silver Lake Psychology to find the best depression therapists in your area. At Silver Lake Psychology, we understand the needs of every individual, understanding beyond your thoughts, and creating a meaningful journey and therapy toward a better you.