
Can a CPA Help With Tax Problems?

If you’re facing major tax problems, you may be wondering if hiring a certified public accountant (CPA) is the right solution.

The truth is, CPAs can provide a lot of assistance when it comes to taxes, from representing you before the IRS to helping negotiate and set up payment plans. They can also help you prepare your taxes in a way that minimizes the chance of future problems.

If you’re considering hiring a CPA for tax problems, be sure to ask about their experience and qualifications. You’ll also want to get a sense of how they would approach your particular situation.

In general, though, a CPA can be a valuable asset when it comes to dealing with tax problems. With their help, you can improve your chances of getting the best possible outcome.

Common Tax Problems a CPA Can Solve

Filing Taxes Late

If you’re behind on your taxes, a CPA can help you catch up. They can prepare and file your past due tax returns, as well as any associated forms and schedules.

In some cases, they may be able to negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to get penalties and interest waived. They can also help set up a payment plan that works for you, based on your ability to pay.

Not Filing Taxes

If you haven’t filed your taxes in years, a CPA can help get you caught up. They can prepare and file all the returns you’ve missed, as well as any associated forms and schedules.

This is a more serious matter than merely filing late, but a CPA can still help negotiate with the IRS on your behalf and help get penalties reduced or waived.

Owing Back Taxes

If you owe back taxes, a CPA can help negotiate a payment plan with the IRS. They can also help set up an installment plan so you can make smaller payments over time.

A CPA can also ensure that you’re taking advantage of all the deductions and credits you’re entitled to. This can help reduce your tax bill and make it more manageable.

Facing an IRS Audit

If you’re facing an IRS audit, a CPA can represent you and help ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

They can also help prepare your tax return in a way that will minimize the chances of being audited in the first place. This is especially important if you have complex financial affairs.

Tax Preparation

By making sure you’re on top of your taxes throughout the year, a CPA can help you avoid any last-minute scrambling come tax time. This is especially beneficial if you own a business, as tax preparation can be much more complex for business owners.


Overall, a CPA can be a valuable resource when it comes to dealing with tax problems. They can help reduce your tax bill, negotiate payment plans and represent you in an audit.

If you’re struggling to deal with your taxes, it’s definitely worth considering hiring a CPA to help you out.