
Performance Vehicle Care – 5 Must-Know Tips

Performance vehicles, differing from standard vehicles in that they have improved or better capabilities in terms of max speed, acceleration, braking and cornering, are designed to provide an enhanced driving experience.

They require more frequent and specialized care than regular vehicles in order to maintain their performance levels and keep them running at their best.

Here are some essential tips for performance auto care:

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1. Read the Owner’s Manual

The first step in taking care of your performance car is to read the owner’s manual.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the car’s features and capabilities, as well as the recommended car maintenance schedule.

This will help you ensure that you are taking the necessary steps to keep your car running at its best.

2. Keep Up with Regular Maintenance

It is important to keep up with regular maintenance for your performance car. This includes things like oil changes, tune-ups and tire rotations.

Regular maintenance can also include tune-ups like engine mapping and tire pressure checks.

By keeping up with regular maintenance, you can help ensure that your car is running at its best and can prevent potential problems down the road.

Vehicle maintenance can be expensive, but it’s much less expensive in the long-run than costly auto repair or body repair services due to an accident caused by poor vehicle maintenance.

3. Choose the Right Gasoline

If you have a performance car, you should make sure that you are using the right type of gasoline.

Most performance cars require premium unleaded gasoline, which has a higher octane rating than regular unleaded gasoline.

If you use regular unleaded gasoline in a performance car, it can damage the engine and reduce gas mileage.

4. Keep Your Tires Inflated

Most people know that it’s important to keep their tires inflated to the proper air pressure, but few actually do it.

Under-inflated tires can cause a number of problems, including reduced fuel economy, increased tire wear and decreased handling.

If you want to get the most out of your performance car, make sure that your tires are properly inflated.

5. Get Regular Oil Changes

This is another one that applies to all cars, not just performance vehicles.

Getting regular oil changes is crucial to keeping your engine healthy.

Over time, the oil in your car will break down and become less effective at lubricating and cooling your engine.

If you don’t change your oil regularly, your engine will eventually overheat and suffer serious damage.

Depending on the type of oil your car uses, you should change it every 5,000 to 7,500 miles.


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Performance vehicles require a little extra care and attention, but it’s definitely worth it. While all of this can seem like a costly endeavor, it’s far less expensive in the long run than having to replace an engine or other major components.

By following the tips in this article, you can keep your performance car in top condition and enjoy it for many years to come.