Dental Implant

Dental Implants: How Painful Are They?

Dental implants are reliable and durable. They can last a lifetime and can be used to replace a missing tooth and support fixed or removable dentures, bridges, and crowns. The success of dental implants depends on several factors, including the patient’s overall health and the skill of the dentist at Ridge Crest Periodontics who places them.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are major oral surgery designed to provide support for individual teeth or complete dentures. They are made of titanium, a strong metal that matches the color and texture of your natural tooth roots. A professional Ridge Crest periodontist (dentist) inserted the implant itself into your jaw bone. This process takes about three months to heal before receiving your new crown or denture.

What Happens During Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental implant surgery is quick and can be performed under local anesthesia. Depending on how many implants you need, it usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete the procedure. You will be given anesthesia to prevent pain during the procedure. Then, the gum tissue will be moved back so that your Dr. Moulton at Ridge Crest Periodontics can insert the implant into your jawbone through an incision made near your gum line.

Once the surgery is finished, you will be given prescriptions for pain medication to reduce discomfort and antibiotics if there are any complications after the surgery. The implant will fuse with your jawbone over time and support a new tooth or denture. You may experience slight swelling and discomfort after the procedure but should feel better within one week following the surgery.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

There are two types of dental implants: single tooth implants and multiple fixed dental implants. Single tooth implants are used to replace 1 or more adjacent teeth. Fixing dental implants requires drilling into your jawbone and usually requires some form of local anesthetic.

It depends on the patient when the procedure is painful or painless. There are varying degrees of discomfort experienced during dental implant surgery. Most patients do not feel any pain during or after the procedure because they are given general or local anesthesia with sedation.

Some people may experience mild discomfort when the anesthetic medication numbs their mouth before the procedure begins. The most common side effects of implant dentistry are swelling and bleeding at the surgical or implant site. These symptoms typically resolve within a few days after treatment. If you’re experiencing pain, your dentist will prescribe medication to help manage your discomfort.

How Long Do Dental Implants Hurt?

The recovery period or healing process of dental implant patients after the surgery depends on how quickly your body heals itself. Your body will begin integrating the new dental implants into its normal processes within two weeks after your implant placement. Surgery may take longer for some patients to completely heal from their procedure.

How Many Appointments Are Necessary?

This depends on how many implants are placed during your initial visit and how many visits you need for healing after each stage of treatment has been completed. Some patients will only require one visit for their implant surgery, while others may require multiple appointments depending on the type of procedure performed and whether additional treatments such as bone grafting or sinus lifting will be done.

The average person requires two appointments for dental implant surgery: an initial consultation appointment where we take X-rays and measure your mouth and gums, followed by the actual surgical appointment itself. A successful dental implant will not move around in your mouth after surgery. It also must withstand chewing forces without breaking or coming loose.

Dental implant surgery is safe and effective, but you may experience some discomfort during the procedure. It’s essential to understand what to expect before, during, and after your dental implant surgery. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, talk to a professional periodontist at Ridge Crest Periodontics today.